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Marrackech is its incredible history

Marrakech is surely one of Morocco's oldest cities and has a rich history and culture. The city was founded in 1062 by the great Sultan Youssef ben Tachfine, who built the famous Koutoubia Mosque, an icon of Marrakech, and the equally famous Bahia Palace. Over the centuries, Marrakech developed into an important city for trans-Saharan trade. Marrakech was the capital of 2 great Almoravid kingdoms, then the Almohads, two dynasties that ruled Morocco and large parts of Spain and Portugal in the 12th and 13th centuries. The city is also famous for having played host to numerous scholars, poets and artists, thus helping Moroccan culture to flourish. Throughout its history, Marrakech has seen many conflicts, invasions and revolts. The city was conquered by the Portuguese in 1541, then suffered a French invasion in 1912. It finally gained its independence in 1956. Today, Marrakech is a popular tourist destination.

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